Frequency of Janus associated kinase 2 (V617F) mutation in patients of polycythemia vera.
J Coll Physicians Surg Pak. 2012 Feb;22(2):80-3.
Jawad Zafar Chaudry, Suhaib Ahmed, Tanveer Zia Qureshi, Nadir Ali.
Real time polymerase chain reaction for the detection of malarial parasite.
J Coll Physicians Surg Pak. 2012 Feb;22(2):98-100.
Bleeding disorders in obstetrics and gynaecological practice.
J Coll Physicians Surg Pak. 2012 Mar;22(3):192-3.
Awareness among parents of b-thalassemia major patients, regarding prenatal diagnosis and premarital screening.
J Coll Physicians Surg Pak. 2012 Apr;22(4):218-21.
Munira Borhany, Meena Kumari, Tahir Shamsi, Arshi Naz, Tasneem Farzana.
Frequency of factor VIII (FVIII) inhibitor in haemophilia A.
J Coll Physicians Surg Pak. 2012 May;22(5):289-93.
Syed Asif Masood, Anita Zaidi.
Post-transfusion hypertension, convulsion and intracranial haemorrhage in b-thalassemia major
J Coll Physicians Surg Pak. 2012 Jul;22(7):473-5.
Naureen Mushtaq, Rabia Wali, Zehra Fadoo, Ali Faisal Saleem.
Acute lymphoblastic leukemia in a child with Fanconi's anaemia.
J Coll Physicians Surg Pak. 2012 Jul;22(7):458-60.
Muhammad Saboor, Moinuddin, Muhammad Abdul Razzaq, Naeem Tahir.
Soluble transferrin receptors in malaria.
J Coll Physicians Surg Pak. 2012 Jul;22(7):432-4.
Tanzeel Imran, Lubna Zafar, Madeeha Rehan, Aqsa Nasir, Parveen Akhtar Tariq, Iffat Batool.
Chediak-higashi syndrome presenting in accelerated phase
J Coll Physicians Surg Pak. 2012 Aug;22(8):539-41.
Parvez Ahmed et al.
Outcome of allogeneic haematopoietic stem cell transplantation in aplastic anaemia.
J Coll Physicians Surg Pak. 2012 Sep;22(9):553-9.
Naheed Sultan, Mahvesh Khalid, Sarah Rafi Khan, Fahadullah Khan.
Non-hodgkin's lymphoma of the breast presenting as breast abscess during pregnancy.
J Coll Physicians Surg Pak. 2012 Oct;22(10):657-8.
Lena Jafri, Nosheen Nasir, and Aysha Almas.
Multifocal Venous Thrombosis in Behcet's Disease.
J Coll Physicians Surg Pak. 2012 Nov;22(11):730-2.
Behcet's disease is a multisystem inflammatory vascular disorder with a chronic course characterized by recurrent oral and genital ulcers, eye lesion, arthritis and skin lesions. It has a typically waxing and waning course. The cause and pathogenesis of the disease are unclear and specific treatment is not available. A 39 years old man presented with rash, ocular manifestation and left leg swelling. He was found to have deep venous thrombosis of left leg along with recurrent cerebral venous thrombosis. He was a known case of Behcet's disease since 3 years and had been on anticoagulants since then.
Lubna Zafar, Aamir Husain, Wahid Haroon, M. Ishaq Shaikh, Shahid Azim Mirza, and Ziaullah Khan.
Interferon-induced Central Retinal Vein Thrombosis.J Coll Physicians Surg Pak. 2012 Nov;22(11):730-2.
A middle-aged lady presented with sudden onset of unilateral central retinal vein thrombosis after completing 6 months course of interferon and ribavirin for chronic hepatitis C infection. She had no risk factors and all her thrombophilia workup was normal, however, she was found to be dyslipidemic which may have contributed to atherosclerosis and predispose to thrombosis. Despite anticoagulation, her visual acuity deteriorated. This case illustrates the possibility of unpredictable visual complication of interferon. Frequent eye examination should be undertaken in patients having underlying risk factors like diabetes, hypertension or dyslipidemia undergoing interferon therapy.
Md. Mujibur Rahman, Syed Ghulam Mogni Mowla, Abdur Rahim, Fazle Rabbi Chowdhury, Sharmin Jahan, and Mohammad Nazmul hasan.
Severe Haemolytic Anaemia Due to Ingestion of Naphthalene (Mothball) Containing Coconut Oil.Mixed Donor Chimerism in Non-Malignant Haematological Diseases after Allogeneic Bone Marrow Transplantation.
Aslam Khan, Azhar Ali Chaudhry, Uzair Khan.
Falciparum - the masquerader.
J Pak Med Assoc. 2012 Jan;62(1):12-3.
Saeed Akhtar Khan Khattak, Suhaib Ahmed, Nadir Ali, Jaleel Anwar, Kashif Hafeez Shaikh.
Prevalence of various mutations in beta thalassaemia and its association with haematological parameters.
J Pak Med Assoc. 2012 Jan;62(1):43-6.
Muhammad Masudul Hassan Nuri, Shahid Hafeez.
Autologous bone marrow stem cell transplant in acute myocardial infarction.
J Pak Med Assoc. 2012 Jan;62(1):5-9.
Zehra Fadoo, Naureen Mushtaq, Saima Alvi, Muhammad Ali.
Acute myeloid leukaemia in children: experience at a tertiary care facility of Pakistan.
J Pak Med Assoc. 2012 Feb;62(2):125-8.
Waqar Hussain, Asma Batool, Tahir Aziz Ahmed, Muhammad Mukarram Bashir.
Severe combined immunodeficiency due to adenosine deaminase deficiency.
J Pak Med Assoc. 2012 Mar;62(3):297-9.
Muhammad Sohail Mansoor, Muhammad Bilal Salman Khan.
A case of cyclic neutropenia in adults
J Pak Med Assoc. 2012 Mar;62(3):289-90.
Munira Borhany et al.
Guidelines on the laboratory diagnosis of congenital bleeding disorders in Pakistan
J Pak Med Assoc. 2012 May;62(5):477-86.
Mian Muhammad Rizwan, Parveen Gaba.
Extranodal non-hodgkin's lymphoma in HIV.
J Pak Med Assoc. 2012 Jul;62(7):733-4.
Fauzia Shafi Khan, Rabiya Fayyaz Hasan.
Bone marrow examination of pancytopenic children.
J Pak Med Assoc. 2012 Jul;62(7):660-3.
Noureen Afzal, Ammara Mushtaq, Arshalooz Rahman, Sonia Qureshi.
Idiopathic pulmonary haemosiderosis presenting as severe iron deficiency anaemia - a case from Pakistan.
J Pak Med Assoc. 2012 Aug;62(8):845-7.
Syed Furqan Haider Sherazi, Zeeshan Butt.
Massive splenomegaly in acute erythroid leukaemia (FAB class-M6): an unusual presentation.
J Pak Med Assoc. 2012 Sep;62(9):989-90.
AML-M6 has a peak incidence in the seventh decade with slight male preponderance, and can also present at a younger age. The usual features are anaemia, thrombocytopenia, malaise, fatigue, easy bruising, epistaxis and petechiae. Splenomegaly may occur in 20-40 % of the cases but massive splenomegaly is rare presentation and have been only reported once in humans and once in animals. A 22 year Asian female, presented with fatigue, pallor, mild jaundice, exertional dyspnoea ,epigastric pain, tender right hypochondrium and massive splenomegaly. Investigations revealed anaemia and thrombo-cytopenia, tear drop cells, basophilic stippling, piokilocytosis and anisochromia; increased uric acid and LDH. Abdominal ultrasound showed enlarged liver (22cm) and spleen (20cm). Bone marrow aspiration revealed 51% erythroid and 24% non-erythroid precursors, depressed leukopoeisis and megakarypoeisis. Erythroblasts were PAS and CD71 positive and also reacted to Antihaemoglobin-Antibody. This report highlights characteristic features and diagnostic criteria of erythroleukaemia, differential diagnosis of massive splenomegaly and their rare association.
Neelam Iqtidar, Muhammad Naeem Chaudary.
Misdiagnosed vitamin B12 deficiency a challenge to be confronted by use of modern screening markers
J Pak Med Assoc. 2012 Dec;62(12):1223-9.
Vitamin B12 deficiency is one of the common conditions in the elderly population leading to confusion, depression, memory loss and balance problems. Unfortunately there is no gold standard test for the diagnosis of cobalamin deficiency and a wide range of variation in reference levels according to country, and laboratory assay used. This poses a problem in diagnosing this condition making it a commonly misdiagnosed medical entity. There is current emphasis on need for clearer guidelines and much research is still being done to pave ways to determine better reference values for serum B12 and other screening tests. It is advised that screening methods are used adjunctively for the purpose of screening individuals.