Muhammad Saaiq, Niazud Din, Ana Jalil, Muhammad Zubair, Syed Aslam Shah.
Diagnostic accuracy of leukocytosis in prediction of acute appendicitis
J Coll Physicians Surg Pak Jan - Jan 2014;24(1):67-9.
Pakistan Institute of Medical Sciences (PIMS), Islamabad.
An analytical study was conducted to find out the diagnostic accuracy of leukocytosis in predicting acute appendicitis in patients undergoing emergency appendicectomy. The degree of inflammation of the resected specimens was grossly assessed and graded into acute inflammation, acute inflammation with complications (such as gangrene, perforation, abscess) and un-inflamed appendix. The operative findings were correlated with leukocyte counts using 2 x 2 table. Out of 233 appendicectomies, with exclusion of the negative appendicectomies (17.59%, n = 41), there were 67.38% patients (n = 157) with elevated leukocyte count. The overall sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value and negative predictive value of elevated leukocyte counts for inflamed appendix were 91.81%, 43.55%, 81.77% and 65.85% respectively.